Category: jesus

Walk This Way

Starving. That is how my boys come into the kitchen multiple times a day. And it does not matter how many dollars I might have shelled out to the grocery store clerk, we never seem to have the …

Light in the Darkness

They say that the silence of God lasted 400 years; that the prophet Malachi ended the prophetic period where God’s voice was alive and active with his final words and then the darkness and the silence set in. …

Making lists and walking on water

I hate making lists almost as much as I hate math. Seriously. I will do anything to keep from having to enumerate life. My brain thinks freedom is found in being untethered, in lyric and cadence but never …

Reached your limit?

My iPhone is out of storage space. As I try to retrieve some super important piece of information from this handheld device that functions as the second half of my brain, it just refuses to work. You have …

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Everyone talks at the same time at our dinner table. It’s a cacophony of voices, loud chewing, and forks clanging on plates. Its boys jostling for milk and salt and attention; laughter, politics, ridiculous comments, and someone always …

A year we didn’t see coming

2020. I know. We’re all done with this year. I’ve seen the memes and read the social media posts. Everyone is ready for this unprecedented dumpster fire of a year to make its way out the door. We …

Unprecedented Advent

Advent 2020 began last Sunday. And because it is 2020, I should not be shocked that it began in a bit of an unprecedented way for me. Isn’t that the word of the year? As this season of …

We Know This

Saturday Night Live is not generally where I get inspiration for writing these blog posts. I am old and have to be up way too early on Sunday mornings to make it through much of the late-night comedy …

Driving through a storm

I remember it like it was yesterday. Heading out of town for the weekend in a car full of friends, mixed tapes, and snack food, we were bursting at the seams with laughter and luggage. It had begun to get dark, but we were …

A May we don’t recognize

So, is this really May? A two-month-long string of snow days? I’m not quite sure I recognize it. Normally, I greet May with a steely kind of preparedness wielding Field Day popsicles and last orchestra concert programs as …