Tag: questions

We Know This

Saturday Night Live is not generally where I get inspiration for writing these blog posts. I am old and have to be up way too early on Sunday mornings to make it through much of the late-night comedy …

For when you have more questions than answers

“Mom, can I ride this skateboard down the stairs?” “Mom, can I chew 5 pieces of gum at one time?” “Mom, can I have a pet snake?” “Mom, can I have a snack?” “Mom, can I jump off …

For when you don’t know what to do

Anyone remember these? I found this relic from ’90’s church camp when I was cleaning things out recently. WWJD – What Would Jesus Do? It was a phrase we teenagers were taught to think about whenever we had …

What’s on your list?

This time of year everyone is making lists … and checking them twice. Grocery lists, guests lists, to-do lists, Christmas gift lists and of course the “what I am thankful for” lists. My little one brings home a …

Looking for a way around the hard work?

“What did the Minutemen do and which goods were taxed by the Stamp Act?” I am doing my best to be patient. But. Fourth-grade homework isn’t for the faint of heart. My little guy turns himself sideways and …

What’s so good about Good Friday?

“I do not understand. Why do we call this day Good Friday?” At some point today a kid is going to ask me this question. He will be whining about having to tuck his shirt in as we …

How to fight the bad guys

When my big boys were little boys, they played the craziest game. It was a game invented by their sweet friend in the house across the street, and it will probably live on in neighborhood lore for eternity. …

Why we have to talk to our kids about Las Vegas

My older boys get most of their news and information from Instagram and the school bus. It is simply the way life is these days. If they begin a sentence with, “Hey mom did you know that …” …

Finding grace in the storm

The clean-up is continuing around here as storm damage is  assessed and debris removed. We are the lucky ones, though, in our suburb. Not much damage was done. We even kept our power through the worst of the …

How Yes and No stack up to build our lives

Yes? No? Maybe? Every year I struggle with these words. Every. Year. And it isn’t like I don’t see it coming. As soon as we trade the sand and the sun of summer for the backpacks and pencils of …